People workout for many reasons: keeping fit, losing weight, staying active, stress relief or even socializing. A routine and a regimen is important in order to establish consistency. That being said, there are certain moments in life where we may have to put a pause on our schedules and regimens in order to nurture ourselves back to health. Hair transplants are some of those instances.
Exercising after a hair transplant is not good for the newly planted hair and may alter the permanence of the hair transplant. In this article we will look at why exercise is not good for hair transplant and when you can go back to your regimen after a hair transplant.
Continue to read all about exercise after hair transplant and how you should do it.
The recovery process after a hair transplant is crucial for the permanence of the hair transplant and the general health of the newly planted hair. Exercising right after a hair transplant will not only risk the integrity of the newly transplanted hair but may also endanger the overall health of the patient. It is usually advised that the patient take it easy for the first few days following the operation in order to rest and allow their body (and thus their scalp) time to heal.
After the hair transplant operation you may experience headaches, swelling and fatigue. As the patient will have the operated area anesthetized it is also not recommended to operate machinery, do any strenuous activity including sweating and exercise the day of the operation. A hair transplant patient will be instructed to wait 2-3 days before showering in order to give their scalp some much needed recovery time.
You should also consider the fact that you will not be able to wash your hair a few days post-op as there needs to be some initial healing process before the hair is ready for the first wash. Not only may exercise be strenuous for the patient but the fact they can not shower for the first few days may be a turn-off. For the first wash make sure to follow the instructions of the hair clinic or maybe even ask the clinic whether they offer the first-wash as part of their services. Check out our article about the first wash after hair transplant for more information.
Usually around the 1 week mark the patient is experiencing scab formation on the transplanted area. Some patients may still feel sensitivity in the area. Some patients may also experience itching. At this stage it is crucial for the patient to not further aggravate the skin to avoid inflammation which means the patient should avoid touching their new hairline.
Which is why doctors suggest avoiding heavy exercise the first week and sweating as it may lead to itching that is instinctive. Take this time to relax and take care of yourself. Make sure to protect the planted area from sun and tight clothing. If you want to move your body you may consider a light walk which will not be strenuous and cause heavy sweating.
Around the 2 week mark patients usually can continue with their regular lifestyle. At this stage all the scabs that are formed on the scalp will have fallen out with the instructed washing yielding to a smooth recovery process. The patient should still avoid watching their new hairline as it is still healing.
You may resume working out and exercising at your regular schedule. Make sure that your workout regimen does not risk the safety of your new hairline. If the exercise may include potential trauma to the area like boxing or tennis, you may want to take it easy for the time being. If the exercise of choice makes you feel exposed and sensitive, give yourself some more time and take it slow.
A month after the hair transplant all activity regarding exercise and working out can resume to normal. You will see that any past sensitivity has gone and that your hairline is on the mend! Enjoy getting back to your regular schedule and settle into your routine again.
And in a few weeks you will see your new hair peeking out from the area of operation. If you wanna learn more about hair growth timelines and when to expect your new hair check out our article for a run-down of what’s ahead.
Going to the gym after a hair transplant depends on the right-time for your new hair. The first week post-op is when your scalp will be at its most sensitive. Some patients experience swelling or itching and discomfort them. In the first week the patient also washes their hair for the first time which is very important to kick-off the recovery process smoothly. Around the second week mark the patient is slowly recovering from the operation where the scabs are falling away and the skin is healing for the new hair that is incoming. Depending on the heaviness of the exercise you may go to the gym 2 weeks after a hair transplant. Make sure to check in with your hair clinic after the first week. Depending on the speed of your recovery you may go earlier or later.
The first few days after the hair transplant operation are the most crucial in terms of recovery. The patient may experience some discomfort like headaches, swelling or itching in the area of transplant. In that it would be in the best interest of the patient to relax for a few days and take care of themselves. This will ensure no further stress on the body. It is advised that the patient starts to work out after the first few washes following the operation. Patients should consult their doctor to set the date for the first wash and closely monitor the progress of their scalp. After the first few washes the patient can start working out.
Weight lifting is a strenuous activity that aims to actuate a lot of muscles in the body. This can cause stress on the body which is the last thing you’d want after a hair transplant. Particularly for the first few days where the transplanted area is still tender and the scabs are still forming you should avoid heavy duty work outs which includes weight lifting.
When we sweat, the water that is evaporating from our bodies comes out from our hair follicles. Since hair transplants include direct manipulation and operation on each and every hair follicle in the transplanted area, heavily sweating can cause further stress in an already sensitive zone. That is why hair transplant patients are recommended to relax and not engage in strenuous activity that will make them sweat.
Another reason for avoiding sweat right after a hair transplant is the showering arrangement. All hair transplant patients are supposed to wait at least 2-3 days before their first shower post-op. This first wash is critically important as the patient is supposed to be very gentle and careful. As the showering arrangement is precarious it would not be in the best interest of the patient to sweat profusely as they will not be able to clean the sweat from their hair which is already sensitive to begin with.
The hair transplant operation is not a very invasive operation. This means the patient should be able to continue about their day after the operation. The area of operation is sensitive and the patient may experience some minor swelling and itchiness. The hair clinic will provide the patient some ibuprofen to ease their discomfort.
Other than these issues the patient should not feel any obstacles to go about their day or resume their schedules. The patient should be mindful not to touch the area and to avoid direct sunlight. As a hat may be out of the question on the first day of operation the patient may utilize an umbrella or stay indoors in order to both avoid sunlight and not risk sweating.
The number of days needed to rest may differ from patient to patient but the patient is advised to take it easy for 1-2 days. The patient may go back to their routine immediately however they need to be mindful of stress and sweating in order to ensure they are not straining their bodies.
The recovery process following a hair transplant is crucial to ensure the success of the whole operation and the overall health of the patient. That is why being mindful of one’s daily activities can be a priority for all patients which includes sports. It is recommended that the first week following the operation the patient does not engage in any contact sports, water-sports and sports where a ball may make contact with the patient’s area of operation. This is to ensure that the new hairline is not subject to any trauma that may cause further stress and endanger the recovery process as the patient should not be even touching the area due to high-risk of inflammation upon contact.
After the 2nd week the patient should be able to go back to their regular activities which includes any type of sports. However it is advised that the patient do not engage in watersports 2 weeks post-op. The washing process after a hair transplant is an important step in recovery. The patient washes their hair gently and no longer than necessary in a controlled hair temperature. The patient is mindful of not picking on scabs or scrunching an already sensitive scalp. Since watersports would require the patient to be in water it is advised to put a hold on these activities for the remainder of the 2nd week. Consult your doctor about any specific condition that you may have. If your doctor clears you to resume your sport activities then you should be safe.
The most important thing to pay attention to when exercising after hair transplant is whether the activity you are doing is strenuous to your body, particularly your hair. Make sure that you have given your body enough time to heal and not put it under any further stress. Your hairline is particularly sensitive after the operation and may continue to be sensitive up to 2 weeks post op.
Make sure to avoid any activity that will be hard on your body and make you sweat the first few days post op. Remember that you will not be able to wash your hair up to 2-3 days post op. After the initial wash you may engage in some moderate exercise like walking or jogging but be mindful of the sun and the potential damage it may cause. As ever make sure to hydrate and stretch properly to avoid any unnecessary muscle cramps that may discomfort you further.
You should not do anything heavy after a hair transplant. In fact you should take it as easy as possible. It is advised that patients do not drive or operate machinery the day of the hair transplant. Depending on your definition of heavy work you may resume your activities after 1-2 weeks post op. This will give you and your hair plenty of time to heal and recover to a degree that would ensure the success of the transplant operation.
A shaping up requires the patient to push their limits to present an idealistic version of themselves. They may want to change the look of their bodies as their hairline is also now changing. However the patient is strongly recommended to take it easy post-op to ensure the success of the operation and the overall health of the patient. You will have time to work on your health journey, give your body and hair a few days to acclimate and you can go back to your own schedule in no time.
Established in 2014, Imperium quickly became a beacon of excellence in hair transplant surgery and aesthetic treatments.
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