Researching about transplants one of the most common terms you can come across is DHI. DHI or otherwise known as Direct Hair Implantation is a state of the art method that is being used in hair transplants nowadays. It is preferred by a wide range of patients for different kinds of transplants and has proven to be an effective method.
We can almost hear you asking: Why is DHI so popular? Why are people getting DHI Hair transplants in Turkey? And what are the costs for DHI transplants in Turkey? Here is everything you need to know about DHI transplants.
So you’ve made the big decision to come to Turkey for your DHI hair transplant. Choosing the right clinic and planning your trip is very important not only for the success of your operation but for ensuring the comfort of your stay post-op. Here is a step by step rundown of a DHI hair transplant operation.
Most clinics in Turkey offer free consultations both online and physically. Make sure that you are well-versed in the services that the clinic offers and what are you expecting as a patient from them. Book your tickets to Turkey once you’ve chosen your clinic and settled on the date of operation.
Your doctor needs to check the viability of your hair to determine your eligibility for a transplant and recommend the right method of transplant. Your doctor will explain the steps of the procedure and what to expect at this stage too. Make sure to ask about all steps of the operation to your doctor and clinic.
Your clinic will give you a list of precautions to be mindful of before your operation. These may include not taking certain medication like blood-thinners or avoiding smoke-alcohol a few days before the surgery. You should also inform the clinic about any medical conditions that you have beforehand.
A DHI hair transplant takes 4-8 hours depending on the number of grafts to be planted. The hair follicles will be grafted from the donor area and immediately planted to the target area.
By being mindful of a few crucial things you are on your way to a successful recovery and a new hairline! The clinic will give you a washing routine and warn you against washing after the first 48 hours after the operation. You will also be advised not to sleep on the sight of operation and keep your elevated for a few days post-op. Make sure to follow your clinic’s recommendations to ensure a successful recovery.
Here is a list of the advantages of DHI Hair transplants:
-Minimal scarring: As the operation is conducted via a pen-like instrument it does not leave any scarring.
-No-shaving necessary: The hair does not need to be shaved for DHI hair transplant! With the help of the Choi-pen the hair doesn’t necessarily have to be faded to be operated on.
-Additional friction-risk from the surgery: As other transplant methods rely on incisions made by the surgeon, they are more prone to suffer from inflammation or friction caused by these miniscule incisions. The DHI hair transplant method eliminates this with the use of the Choi-pen.
-Perfect for smaller number of grafts: As it consists of the extraction of a single hair follicle and then planting it, it is perfect for planting in the patchy areas.
The ultimate question still remains what is the difference between DHI and FUE, otherwise known as Follicular Unit Extraction. Both popular methods of transplants, DHI and FUE, are significantly different from each other both in application and in healing. It is possible to categorize these differences in 4 areas: procedure-wise, healing-wise and volume of transplants and patient preference.
DHI hair transplants are preferred worldwide for a reason: they yield successful results. The method itself is quite simple: unlike other transplant methods the hair is taken from the donor area via an instrument called the Choi-pen and planted to the target area immediately. This pen-like instrument allows the plantation to be more precise and does not require incisions to the hairline.
Those who suffer from hair loss and patching may benefit from a DHI hair transplant because it is a proven method that has been successful for hair transplants patients from diverse hair backgrounds
There are a few crucial steps to take into consideration after a DHI hair transplant to ensure the health of your new hairline. Your clinic will inform you of certain measures you can take and it is very important that you follow them. You need to sleep in an elevated position and not rest your donor and implanted area on the pillow to avoid friction which may cause inflammation.
You should also be mindful of the first wash and use a medical grade shampoo that has been approved by your clinic. You should scratch or rub your hair for the first weeks to avoid rash or further inflammation. A key component to a successful hair transplant recovery is observation and taking action at the right time. Observe your new hairline, if there is swelling and/or inflammation contact your clinic. However, also know that shedding is normal for the first few weeks after the procedure.
Even though it is different for everyone, an estimated time period for a DHI transplant to heal is 2 weeks. However it may take up to 4-6 months to see hair regrowing.
Here is a timeline of what to expect for DHI hair transplant healing:
Next day: The patient may feel mild discomfort and/ or swelling. You will be advised by your doctor to not partake in activities that might cause you stress or excessive sweat. Your doctor will advise you to not wash your hair first the first few days, especially for the first 48 hours.
First week: First wash happens this week. The patient will see scabs forming on the hairline however should not scratch or pick on them, they will go away on their own. Depending on the package offered by your clinic you may be given a special shampoo and/or offered a first wash in the clinic facilities. Consult your clinic for the option you are comfortable with.
1 month: The first month the patient experiences shedding of both some hair follicles and scabs to ultimately reveal a healthier scalp. Though it may be hard to not pick on scabs, the patients should be patient to not cause inflammation in the skin. If the patient experiences extreme itchiness they can ask their clinic to provide a relieving cream to apply to the area topically.
3-6 months: Hair regrowth has started and has become noticeable. By the end of this period the patient will see that the new implanted hairline has grown back.
Turkey is the hair capitol of the world for a reason and it’s not just skilled surgeons and great clinics. The list of services and packages offered in Turkey are budget friendly aiming for accessibility for patients. Currently DHI Hair transplants in Turkey cost around 2000 USD to 4000 USD, averagely costing around 3000 USD. This price can change depending on the packages offered by clinics and the services the patient may require.
In such cases not only may the hair transplant fail but there might also be inflammatory issues like cysts or infections. The original hairline with the botched-hair transplant might experience some shedding too.
That is why it is important to do your research thoroughly, reach out to clinics in advance to be informed and ultimately choose the right clinic.
It is vital for a patient to know what to expect from a hair transplant. The best way to do that is by looking at a clinic’s portfolio. Here are some before and after testimonials by patients for DHI Hair transplant in Turkey.
DHI is great because you do not need to shave your hair or even trim it. This is because the transplant is done via an instrument called the Choi-pen. Consult your clinic on the viability of this transplant to your unique case.
On the odd chance that a dhi hair transplant fails the patient can contact another trustworthy clinic to discuss a potential second transplant. The root cause of why the hair transplant initially failed is key to the success of a possible second hair transplant. Just because a transplant fails, doesn’t mean there is no hope for the patient.
Not only is it safe to have a DHI hair transplant in Turkey, we strongly believe it should be preferred. Turkey is home to many successful hair transplants. With budget-friendly options, skilled surgeons and world-class clinics you definitely should consider Turkey as the ultimate stop at your hair recovery journey.
Established in 2014, Imperium quickly became a beacon of excellence in hair transplant surgery and aesthetic treatments.
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