Hair Transplant without Shaving in Turkey

Hair Transplant without Shaving in Turkey

Amongst the questions patients have about hair transplant one that pops up frequently is: “Will I have to shave my hair?” It is understandable that patients do not want to alter their look, lose confidence or even may be afraid to lose the hair that they already have. But these concerns can be easily eliminated: hair transplant without shaving is not only possible but is also the most sought out practice amongst hair transplant procedures. 


You might be thinking how is that possible: there are many ways to redeem your hair’s look without shaving. Clinics in Turkey go above and beyond to ensure that the patient’s are comfortable with their hair styles as they are on the recovery from the hair transplant and will give tips on how to take care of their hair. If you are concerned about shaving your hair, do not fret, continue reading to find out about hair transplant without shaving in Turkey.

hair transplant without shaving

Can you get a hair transplant without shaving your head?


Even though they might be needing it, most people are turned off by the idea of a hair transplant because they believe they need to shave their heads. This is partially true, some hair transplants do require the patients to shave their hair. However these circumstances are fewer than the most common practice. Usually patients opt to partially shave their hair, give the hair a shorter style like a fade for FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or do not shave at all for certain DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplants. So, by any means it is absolutely possible to get a hair transplant without shaving your head.


What is the hair transplant without shaving procedure?


The hair transplant without shaving procedure is usually referred to as No-Shave or Unshaven FUE or DHI. The basic principles of the operation is the same but the patient’s hair is not shaved in preparation for the procedure as per the patient’s request determined in the consultation beforehand. 

With which methods can hair transplant be done without shaving?


The most preferred methods of hair transplants that can be achieved without shaving are FUE and DHI. The choice between the two is usually made in accordance with your surgeon and is dependent on the overall health of the patient’s hair and donor area viability. With No-Shave FUE the hair is usually partially faded with no total shaving or drastic change of style. Simply, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area regardless of shaving, grafted and then transplanted to the target area. Similarly in a No-Shave DHI the hair follicles are extracted from the designated not-shaven area and planted to the target area via an instrument called a Choi-Pen which resembles a pen without any cartilage. This instrument allows a stable and acute extraction and transplantation process.  


No shaving is required for both operations but for FUE usually the patient’s hair is shortened or faded and DHI, even that might not be necessary. Do not forget that these all depend on the number of grafts needed for the patient’s hair and the initial viability of the donor area.


What is the best hair transplant method without shaving?


The best hair transplant method without shaving depends on what the patient needs in terms of number of grafts. Both FUE and DHI are optimal options however as the DHI method extracts and transplants simultaneously rather than FUE’s extract, graft and transplant method, it usually calls for a lesser number of hair grafts. If the patient needs more than 2000 hair grafts then the best hair transplant method without shaving would be FUE for them. If they need less than 2000 both methods can be opted for hair transplant without shaving. Read about FUE and DHI methods in detail to learn more about which method is optimal for which hair type or case.

Grafts Required for un-shave hair transplant

How many grafts of hair can be transplanted without shaving the hair?

Even though it is possible to transplant up to 3500 hair grafts with DHI and 4500 with FUE without shaving this number is a little lower. This is the case because of the density of the hair. It would be hard and risky for the surgeon to continue extraction and plantation in a higher number of grafts as it would be hard to plant them safely and in natural directions.

All in all, it comes down to the patient’s hair density and velocity. 3000-3500 hair grafts would not be attainable without a shave but your doctor will make the final decision so as to not risk the outcome of the operation.  

Is it possible to transplant high density hair without shaving head?


High density hair and non-shaving do not go hand in hand when a hair transplant is concerned however in the past doctors have found different methods to ensure patient happiness and successfully transplant hairs. One of those methods is fading the hair leading up to the donor area. Another one is designating a donor area that can be covered with the longer hair surrounding only partially shaving that area.

Un-shave hair Transplant Cost Turkey

Unshaven Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

The cost of unshaven hair transplant in Turkey depends on the clinic and the method used for the operation. However as the operation is much more meticulous and requires technicality it is priced slightly higher than regular DHI or FUE transplants even though the hair graft count is significantly less. An unshaven hair transplant up to 2000 hair grafts would cost somewhere 2500 USD to 5000 USD in Turkey. This amount is subject to change depending on the clinic and the services they offer. Contact your clinic for concise information.

Is unshaven hair transplant more expensive than ordinary one?

Unshaven hair transplants are slightly more expensive than ordinary ones. This is because of the time and effort dedicated slightly different than other hair transplant procedures. Most patients deem the cost differences to be expendable because even if they need hair transplants they most definitely do not want to shave or change their look. 

Hair Transplant without Shaving Before and After Photos


The best way to gauge the effectiveness of a hair transplant is looking at patient testimonials and before and after photos. Here are some before and after photos for hair transplant without shaving. Notice how the hair looks natural and styled and notice when the new hair is successfully implemented how the hair looks healthy and seamlessly blended in.

hair transplant without shave before after

FAQs about Hair Transplant without Shaving

Shaving is not a requirement for a hair transplant. Depending on the condition of the patient’s scalp and the vitality of their hair it may be a recommendation but it is not mandatory.

FUE is a very successful and tried and true hair transplant method. The no-shave FUE and the regular FUE have no difference when it comes down to the success of the operation and its results. So yes, no shave FUE is very effective as a hair transplant method. 

Yes, the no shave DHI hair transplant method is as successful as the regular one. The patient is not required to shave their hair in order to qualify for a DHI hair transplant.

The reason why the unshaven hair transplant cost is higher is due to the level of skill and time that needs to be dedicated for the operation. The surgeon needs to be mindful of the surrounding hair follicles and also makes sure to ensure that the transplanted hairs will blend in seamlessly. That is why unshaven hair transplants are slightly more costly, but definitely worth it if the patient is adamant in not altering their look.