Forehead Reduction hair transplant Turkey

Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant in Turkey

One of the biggest insecurities people have is the size of their forehead. Why is my hairline so far back? Why is my forehead so protruding? Why is my forehead so big? With these concerns patient’s usually find themselves alternating between solutions: covering their forehead with makeup, accessories or using wigs but amongst all the solutions the one that is the most permanent, organic and well, hair-like is without a doubt a forehead reduction hair transplant. 


Turkey being the world’s leading capital of hair transplants it is not an overstatement to say that many patients come to Turkey for their forehead reduction hair transplants. Not only are there budget friendly operations with stellar services but the clinics are experienced and have top of the line facilities. Continue reading to find out all about forehead reduction hair transplant and why you should consider this reduction with hair transplant in Turkey.

Forehead Reduction vs. Hair Transplant


There is a common misconception when it comes to forehead reductions surgeries: there are two different kinds of procedures. Forehead reduction by itself is achieved by removing excess skin from the forehead area by a cosmetic surgeon, however forehead reduction via hair transplant or otherwise known as hairline lowering is achieved by transplanting of new hair follicles to the forehead area which may or may not require skin grafting. Even though ultimately they aim to reduce the side of the forehead these two operations are completely different, their recoveries and aims are also significantly different. When consulting your doctor make sure that you inform yourself of your options and what those options entail.

What is Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant

Forehead Reduction Hair transplant is a procedure that aims to lower the hairline by transplanting new hairs to the forehead. The procedure not only aims to increase hair velocity and density but also alter the look of the forehead. In your consultation your doctor will determine your donor area, checking to see if the donor area has enough viable hair and is healthy. In the operation the doctor will take hair follicles from the donor area and plant them in the forehead area with the method of their choice. With new hairs covering in the hairline the forehead is reduced with hair blending seamlessly in.


Methods for Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant


Almost all methods used in hair transplants are used in the forehead reduction hair transplant. These methods are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation). All 3 of these methods work well with forehead reduction and each have their own benefit to cater to the specific needs of the patient. 

FUT for forehead Reduction

Forehead Reduction FUT


FUT or sometimes referred to as FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) is when a strip of hair is extracted with the skins from the donor area. This enabled the surgeon to implant multiple hair follicles to the designated area at once. As the oldest and most tried and true method, FUT is often preferred by patients to the sheer amount of hair grafts it can transplant. However since a strip of skin is surgically removed the risk of scarring is more. Depending on the surgeon and the patient’s recovery process the scarring may not be pronounced.


FUE for forehead Reduction

Forehead Reduction FUE

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the most popular method of hair transplant in clinics all around the world. This is because with the developments of new blades like Sapphire the process has become more precise and neat. In this method the hairs are extracted and planted via small incisions made individually by the surgeon. As these incisions are miniscule the risk of scarring is little to none and the recovery can be faster than FUT. Just like FUT it can transplant a high number of grafts. This technique is also preferred by patients that may have had prior trauma to the area of operation and with the incisions it will help with skin renewal too. 

DHI For forehead Reduction

Forehead Reduction DHI


Direct Hair Implantation or DHI is the newest and most recent of the methods and has become quite popular over the years. The method includes the use of an instrument called the Choi-Pen which is employed when the hair grafts are extracted and transplanted 1 by 1. The pen enables the surgeon to be more precise and thus secure guaranteeing the success of the operation. Since the hairs are implanted individually, the overall result of the hairline is more seamless and organic. Particularly in the forehead area the doctor is able to mimic the natural direction of the hairs better.

Forehead Reduction Eligibility

Who is eligible for Forehead Reduction hair Transplant


Anyone can be eligible for forehead reduction hair transplant if they have a viable donor area. Usually people with large foreheads and receding hairlines prefer this procedure. If you have a family history of big foreheads and receding hairlines or you observe extreme hair loss in the area you may should consult a clinic. 


Number of Grafts required for Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant


The number of grafts required for forehead reduction hair transplant varies depending on the degree of loss. The degree of loss is determined according to the severity of loss which can be usually categorized with a scale called the Norwood Scale. If your hair loss is not severe anywhere near 200-400 grafts can be required. However if the receding is severe this number can go up to a 1000 hair grafts if your hair loss degree is Norwood Scale 2 or 3. 

Dos and Don’ts After Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant

Aftercare for hair transplants are what seals the deal: if you want your hair transplant to be successful you should be mindful of a few things. Here is a simple list of dos and don’ts after forehead reduction hair transplant.


-Do wear hats or loose scarves to avoid the sun and the potential damage it can do. You should also use sun protection but check with your clinic to see which medical grade sunscreen you can use and at what stage of the recovery you can use it. 

-Do sleep on an elated surface the first few nights after the surgery. This is to ease potential stress or pressure that may occur and discomfort the patient.

-Do observe the area of operation following the days of operation. If you see any excessive swelling or inflammation contact your clinic immediately.


-Don’t sleep on the operated side of your hairline, this may cause friction and further stress an already sensitive area.

-Don’t touch, itch or scratch the area of operation. This will raise the risk of inflammation. If you experience discomfort contact your clinic. They may recommend a tropic cream to relieve you of your discomfort.

-Don’t pick on the scabs that will form after the operation. They need to form for the recovery process to advance and they will fall on their own in 2-3 days.

-Don’t over strain yourself the day of and the days that will follow the operation. Give your new hairline and yourself some time off.

Cost of forehead reduction Turkey

Cost of Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant in Turkey

Hair transplant operations in Turkey are not only exclusive but also budget friendly. That is why many people choose to come to Turkey for their cosmetic procedures: the services offered are high quality, the clinics are experienced and the costs do not break the bank. On average a forehead reduction hair transplant costs 3000 to 4000 USD. This number may change depending on the services the faculty offers or additional services the patient may request like transportation and accommodation.

Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant Before and After

The ebay way to gauge the success of an operation and the quality of a clinic is by looking through the testimonials  and before and after photos from their previous patients. Here are some forehead reduction hair transplants before and after photos from our patients. Observe how their hairs have healed and see whether any of their cases bear any resemblances to your own.

FAQs about Forehead Reduction Hair Transplant

As it is restricted to a single part of your scalp, the procedure is rather condense. It usually takes 4-6 hours depending on the area covered and the number of hair grafts. 

It is difficult to say which is better as the patient’s concerns may be different for these two distinct procedures. However hair transplant is slightly more advantageous because it generates new hair growth and improves the density of the hair along with altering the size of the forehead.

The forehead reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that grafts a strip of skin off the scalp.This operation leaves a scar albeit a small one and this depends on the patient’s skin elasticity and the surgeon technique.

Depending on the technique the surgeon uses, forehead reduction hair transplant does not leave a scar as any potential scar would be covered by new hair follicles anyway.

You do not have to have surgery, it is a matter of comfort and whether the patient feels conscious or not. Usually patients who prefer to have forehead reduction hair transplant surgery have 4 to 6.5 cm of opening between their hairline and their eyebrows. If your hairline is receding even more you may consider getting a forehead reduction surgery.