Post hair transplant care

Post Hair Transplant Care


What makes or breaks a hair transplant is the post-op care after a hair transplant? 


Post hair transplant care is significant not just for the health of the patient but also for securing the healthy growth of the new hairline. Hair transplants are operations that do not require much in terms of rigorously taking care of your operated area however there are crucial steps the patients must mindfully take in order to assure the success of the operation.


In this article we will delve into the necessary steps patients and clinics must take in order to guarantee a smooth recovery and rewarding results.


Continue reading to learn about post care after different hair transplant methods, what are the dos and don’ts of hair transplant after care and what you can do day by day to make sure you give the best possible care to your new hairline. 

What should be considered in post hair transplant care?


Even though there are not a lot of things to be considered in post hair transplant care there are some crucial steps that have a huge contribution in making the post-op recovery a success. We can categorize these in two main categories: what the patient can do in their daily routines and what they can do additionally to care for their operated area.


Daily routine care can consist of being mindful of sleeping arrangements, sun exposure and physical activity. Patients should additionally take care of needs that arise due to the procedure. These usually consist of washing and cleaning of the operated area and the donor area according to the instructions given by the clinic and using shampoo and medication that is prescribed to them by their doctor. 

Do’s in Post Hair Transplant Care


  • Do protect the areas of operation which are the donor area and the new hairline.
  • Do wait at least 48 hours before doing the first wash. Do consult your clinic before doing the first wash.
  • Alternatively do ask your clinic whether they can help with your first wash and whether they offer it as part of their services.
  • Do use medical grade shampoo or shampoo that has been vetted by your clinic.
  • Do ask your clinic to provide some pain relief medication or anti-itching creams if you experience discomfort right after the procedure.
  • Do arrange for a chaperone for the day of the operation as you will be wearing off anesthesia post-op. Alternatively you can also ask the clinic to provide a chaperone that will be responsible for helping with transportation.
  • Do follow up with your clinic and go into regular check ups agreed before your operation with your doctor.
  • Do avoid the direct sunlight for the first few days post-op. Sun can be further damaging to the skin and hinder the recovery process.
  • Do sleep with your head elevated for the first week post-op. Additionally, do make sure to arrange for pillows that will not put pressure on the areas of operation to avoid friction.
  • Do refer to using ice-packs in case you experience swelling after the operation.
  • Do call your doctor immediately if you experience discomfort that you deem unusual or when you feel like you need help. 

Don’ts in Post Hair Transplant Care


  • Don’t wash your hair prematurely. Waiting at least 48 hours is important for the first wash to seal the transplants in place.
  • Don’t pick on the scabs that start to form on the site of operation. The formation of these scabs is a good sign that the hair follicles are healing. They will fall on their own accord with strategic washing.
  • Don’t scrub or harshly brush on the site of operation, especially for the first two weeks post-op. This will further irritate a sensitive site and will hinder the healing process.
  • Don’t use shampoos that are not medical grade or have not been vetted by your doctor, especially for the first washes of your new hair cycle. Some chemicals may irritate the site of operation.
  • Don’t touch or scratch the area of transplantation in order to avoid dislodgement or inflammation.
  • Don’t partake in any strenuous activity during the first week post-op. Pushing your limits may cause further stress on your body, not to mention excessive sweating is not good for your highly sensitive scalp and new hair.
  • Don’t wear hats or restricting hair-gear for the first few days post-op. However as you should avoid direct sunlight, you can use umbrellas or keep to the shade so as to not further irritate the sensitive area.
  • Don’t sleep directly on the site of operation as it can cause further irritation to the sensitive skin. Make sure to sleep with your head elevated and pillows propped up so as to not be in direct contact with your operated site.
  • Don’t consume alcohol or smoke cigars or cigarettes. Though it may sound like general health advice, this is usually advised to patients pre and post-op so as to not further put stress on your body as it is in recovery.

Does post care change according to the hair transplant method?


Even though the main principles of hair transplant after-care are the same there may be some differences in approach and time depending on the hair transplant method. Some methods are less invasive than others and may require additional care as stitches may be involved. 


Let’s look at how post-care may change depending on the hair transplant method by comparing FUE, FUT and DHI hair transplant techniques.

Post care after fue hair transplant

Post Care After FUE Hair Transplant 

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the most popular hair transplant method as it can not only transplant large quantities of hair grafts but is also less invasive than FUT which yields less scars and faster recovery period. Stitches are not required for FUE hair transplants which means medical dressing is not required and scarring will be little to none.

Light paced and non-strenuous activity can resume usually after 5-6 days and patients can shower around the 48 hour mark. Discomfort patients experience like swelling or aching is minimal and thus the recovery is quicker.

Post care after dhi hair transplant

Post Care After DHI Hair Transplant 


DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a relatively newer technique of hair transplant where a pen called the Choi-pen is used to both harvest and simultaneously transplant hair follicles. This allows the surgeon to make identical incisions thus eliminating scarring.


As an instrument is used instead of manual plantation the patient is usually instructed to wait more than 48 hours for their first wash just to make sure all grafts are in place. 

Post care after fut hair transplant

Post Care After FUT Hair Transplant 


Unlike other hair transplant methods FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is when a strip of hair follicles is transplanted instead of individual grafts. Scarring is more prominent thus applying gauging or anti-bacterial solutions may be required. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic ointment in order to make sure the area is on the mend and inflammation free.


Patients with FUT may experience swelling more than other hair transplant methods so regular icing will not only help with potential swelling but also with itching due to stitches.

What are the steps to follow post hair transplant care day by day?


In order to make sure a successful recovery is attained long term patients must adhere to their after care routine. Post-op care and intervention is key in guaranteeing the health of your new hairline and making sure it is permanent.


In order to promote the generation of healthy hairs and completing your recovery make sure to follow the post hair transplant care day by day.  In post hair transplant care there are few checkpoints in recovery. The immediate care is when the patient is going through the after effects of the operation and they need to be careful in order not to risk the integrity of the hair follicles.


Then comes the first weeks following the operation where the patient slowly gets back to their routine and acclimate to their new hairline. After 1-2 months the patient is fully back to their routine and their recovery includes relatively easier steps.

Post Hair Transplant Care Day 1


The day following the operation is usually the hardest one. Your body is acclimating and needs time and care to make itself better. Your scalp is at its most sensitive state so make sure to avoid touching or contact to the area. Do not engage in any strenuous activity and make sure to have plenty of rest so as to not further put stress on your body.


When sleeping make sure to sleep in an elevated position and avoid contact with pillows to avoid friction. Some patients will feel discomfort from potential swelling in the area. Use ice packs and ask your clinic to prescribe some ibuprofen for you if need be.

Post Hair Transplant Care Day 2 – Day 3


After the first day you will feel exponentially better however you should still avoid strenuous activities or working out. Sweating can cause further stress and even inflammation in your scalp and as you may not be able to shower just yet it may aggravate your skin.


Usually after 2-3 days post op the patient is instructed to wash their hair. Patients will see scabs forming on the site of operation. The forming of these scabs are important for the process of recovery as it means the incisions are yielding its place to permanent hairline. The patient should not under any circumstances pull out these scabs.


While washing the patients will notice some scabs falling away, know that this is natural and by gently washing your hair with a vetted shampoo given to you or a shampoo approved by your clinic your scalp will feel better. Make sure that the water is not scorching and you are not scrubbing your scalp. You may also ask your clinic to help you with your first wash. 

Post Hair Transplant Care Day 4 – Day 7

(Week 1 hair transplant care)


You are slowly feeling better and the initial sensitivity starts to wear down during this period. You can even start lightly exercising, but don’t forget not to push your limits! You will observe that with light and gentle washing scabs are slowly but surely falling off your scalp and the skin is on the mend. Due to scabs forming on your skin some patients will experience itching or discomfort in the area. You can ask your clinic to recommend some anti-itch cream to ease your discomfort.


Some patients also reveal that icing the area will also ease the itching sensation. However you should remind yourself to not scratch or itch the area under any circumstances. Not only because you might pull on your newly transplanted hair but you might also risk an inflammation in the area. As the scabs start healing you will experience what is called a shock loss, where some of transplanted hair will fall off but meanwhile yield way to fresh and healthier hair.


This is completely normal and will stop as the hair cycle renews and hair starts growing in your new hairline. Closely observe your hairline and intervene where you deem necessary. Do not forget to consult your doctor if you feel like anything doesn’t feel right. 

Post Hair Transplant Care Day 10 – Day 14

(Week 2 hair transplant care)


The scabs are all gone thanks to your light and gentle washing routine and you are experiencing shock hair loss in the newly transplanted area! It might be counterintuitive to see “hair” falling off after a hair transplant but you need to trust the process and let your scalp do its own thing. But rest assured you can now go back to your routine prior to the operation.


Making sure to be mindful of your area of operation as harsh impact can damage the skin there, you can continue with your regular schedule and exercise routine. If you are still experiencing scabbing, slight bleeding or swelling in the operation you should contact your clinic immediately as the area might be infected.

Post Hair Transplant Care Day 30

(1 month hair transplant care)


A month has passed and it is almost as if you’ve not even had the operation, right? Yes, you are back to your regular schedule and sleeping arrangements and life has gone back to normal. But good news, as your scalp is clearing up it is time for you to see your new hair!


It may be still too early for chemical dyes in your hair, just wait for a few more weeks, however it may be time for a haircut! From this month on you will observe your hair growing slowly but surely and your new hairline settling with your look. The hard part is behind you and enjoying your new look awaits!

FAQs about Post Hair Transplant Care

Patients who come to Turkey usually arrange for additional days to roam about the city and enjoy some culture and good food. Not only do they feel safe being close to their clinic for just a few more days but they can also ask the clinic to help them with the first-hair wash post-op. You are in Turkey, there are lots of things to do and delicious food to try. You can even ask your clinic to recommend some local spots and restaurants to try. Take it easy and have a relaxing holiday as you recover from your operation. 

In order to guarantee the success of your hair transplant there are a few steps you can do. First is choosing a doctor and a clinic that is trustworthy and experienced. A skilled doctor and a patient-approved hair clinic are important factors that determine the success of a hair transplant. Second and most important is the after-care. By being mindful of the list of things your clinic will warn you about and going through with the Do’s and Don’ts listed on this article you can rest easy securing your hair transplant for life.

Sleeping is a crucial point in hair transplant recovery as you need to avoid pressure and friction on the transplant areas which are usually the areas in contact with your pillow. It is advised that you sleep in an elevated position with propped up pillows that do not contact your new hairline. This is also to ease the potential discomfort the patient might experience due to swelling after the procedure. After 3-4 days you can test to see if sleeping in your usual routine feels comfortable. After that initial sensitivity wears off you can go back to your own sleeping arrangement.

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