Among Muslims, the place of hair transplant in Islam is a subject of debate. Because hair transplantation is divided into many procedures, deciding halal or haram techniques can be confusing. Many Muslim people suffering from alopecia ask such a question like “Are hair transplants permissible in Islam?”.
In Islam, there are scholars who say that hair transplants are haram and those who say that they are halal. The common view of scholars is that the underlying reason for the procedure determines whether it is halal or haram. In the light of the scholars’ references, this article will try to explain which hair transplant methods are considered haram and which are considered halal.
There are several interpretations of Islamic principles and practices regarding hair transplant surgery. Some scholars believe that it is not an essential surgical operation. Altering Allah’s creation is not okay.
The Qur’an says: “… the natural disposition of Allah in which He has created mankind. There is no altering Allah’s creation…” (Quran 30:30). By altering a person’s physical look, hair transplant procedure contradicts this principle.
However, some scholars interpret that patients don’t introduce foreign or unnatural substances into their bodies through a hair transplant surgery. They also state that it is for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, female or male pattern baldness, diffuse hair loss, traction alopecia, injuries, alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and so on. Therefore,it is a medical procedure, performed by surgeons for the treatment of a medical condition.
Those who say hair transplant is haram;
Those who say hair transplant is halal;
Hair transplant procedures are very varied. The most common techniques include:
Looking at the methods one by one, FUE hair transplant techniques are generally considered halal because;
PRP or iPRF is not considered religiously forbidden because it involves injecting one’s own blood into one’s own body. However, this may not be the case for micropigmentation. Because in this technique, a tattoo-like dye is used to create the illusion of hair on the scalp. There are Islamic scholars who think that tattooing is an obstacle to ablution. Therefore, consult a religious leader for detailed information.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH – صلى الله عليه وسلم ) has some words on the hair transplantation methods of that period:
In the Qur’an, there is no specific information in the hadiths about modern hair transplant technology that involves graft transplantation. On the other hand, there are hadiths about the wigs:
Sahih/Authentic. – [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH – صلى الله عليه وسلم ) forbade having or attaching somebody else’s hair attached. (Bukhari, Libas, 83-85 [5935-5942]; Muslim, Libas, 115-119 [2122-2124]). It is obvious that there is a hadith in this regard:
Muslim, “Libas”, 115
There are some religious rulings (fatwas) that declare hair transplant surgery permissible (halal) under specific circumstances:
The fatwa committee of Al-Azhar University
The Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League
The International Islamic Fiqh Academy
Teachers of Islam differ on the following issues:
From an Islamic point of view, there is no harm in praying. However, to prevent damage to the newly transplanted hair, water should not come into contact with the scalp during ablution for the first 48 hours. After this period, washing that involves wetting the head, including ghusl ablution, can be done carefully.
For most Islamic scholars, the answer is yes. Since you will receive local anesthesia for your scalp, your fast will not be invalidated. However, you should be sure to eat enough between iftar and sahur. Plus, you should also refrain from eating at least 8 hours before the hair transplant surgery, as you will be receiving anesthesia. You may choose to take a break from fasting for 1 day. However, fasting during your recovery period will not harm your new hair.
There is general acceptance among Islamic institutions and organizations that it is halal.
From an Islamic perspective, there is no difference between hair transplants and mustache or beard transplants. The same rules apply to all three.
Techniques like FUE hair transplantation are considered halal if they are;
If plastic surgery is performed to treat an illness, injury, psychological problem, etc., it is usually regarded as halal. However, we recommend that you proceed in consultation with an Islamic scholar for your specific situation.
Established in 2014, Imperium quickly became a beacon of excellence in hair transplant surgery and aesthetic treatments.
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