choosing shampoo after hair transplant

How to choose the best shampoo after hair transplant?


If you’ve recently had a hair transplant, now is the time to pick the best shampoo after hair transplant. The choice of the ideal shampoo after hair transplant is crucial for various rationales. Preventing infection, speeding up the healing process of wounds and scars, protecting hair follicles from future loss, and managing the hair growth cycle, and so many more. So, are you using the best shampoo for post hair transplant? Read on to find out how to select the top rated one.


What is important when choosing a post-hair transplant shampoo is to choose a product that is suitable for treating alopecia. Since your existing hair is still at risk of balding, you need a product that will stop hair loss. At the same time, it must provide the hydration, vitamins and minerals your new hair needs. Hence, choosing the best hair transplant shampoo requires a lot of care. 

Hair Treatment After Hair Transplant

What is the best shampoo after hair transplant?

First of all, it must be the best anti-balding shampoo. Apart from this, the best shampoo after hair transplant should have these characteristics:

  • Until 7 days after hair transplant, your graft wounds will still be open. That’s why you should not wash your hair with shampoos that contain chemicals like paraben and sulfate. Due to androgenetic alopecia (AGA) & hormonal hair loss (DHT), your hair growth cycle may differ from that of a normal person. Exogen phase – shedding time can be prolonged than usual. An effective ‘alopecia hair growth shampoo’ can reverse it. 
  • Hair after transplant requires special care. You should stop using the products that you were using before the surgery. You need to choose natural hair care sets that are tailored only for the post-transplant period. 
  • In hair care after hair transplantation, products consisting of natural ingredients should be used to prevent infection of the wounds. Plus, restore the minerals and provitamins lost by the scalp.

Does shampoo affect hair transplants?


Yes, it has massive impacts on the hair transplantation results. For instance, a shampoo with sulfates can damage your natural oils and sebum of your head skin. This can cause the scalp to become dry and flaky. In addition, scented and perfumed shampoos and conditioners can cause itching and skin irritation. Hair follicles can fall out quickly due to the harsh chemicals.


If you choose products designed for hair care after hair transplant, you first get rid of the effect of harmful chemicals on your open wounds. In addition, these shampoos moisturize your scalp and help your follicles get used to their new place. It could prevent dryness, itching and irritation by 4 out of 5.


What shampoos should I avoid after a hair transplant?


During the first 6 months of recovery from a hair transplant surgery, it is best to avoid the these types of shampoo:

1. Be careful with anti-breakage shampoos. They contain ingredients that strengthen the hair shaft, like proteins (keratin, silk, etc.), vitamins and moisturizers. Of course, your scalp needs all of these after hair transplant surgery. However, the best anti-breakage shampoos focus on improving the hair’s elasticity and resilience to reduce split ends. Post-transplant shampoos, on the other hand, are designed to help heal and care for the scalp after surgical procedure.

2. Avoid using balayage shampoo as it is usually designed to maintain the health and vibrancy of balayage-treated hair. It may contain chemicals. 

3. Not every alopecia shampoo and conditioner is designed for the process after hair transplantation. Some anti hair loss shampoos contain chemicals. They are not suitable for follicular unit extraction or direct hair transplantation surgeries. 

4. Avoid shampoos with high alcohol content, strong fragrances, anti-dandruff products (risk of selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, etc.), artificial fragrances, strong antibacterial agents and other heavy chemicals. 

First hair wash tips after hair transplant

When can I use shampoo after a hair transplant?

Your first wash will be done in the clinic by specialists. From the 3rd day, you can wash your hair with a special shampoo for post-hair grafting. You should not touch your hair for the first 48 hours because the newly transplanted follicles will be very sensitive. In addition, due to the grafts taken from your donor area, it also needs to heal.

FOR regular shampoos and other hair care products, consult your hair transplant specialists. 

You can use a shampoo for a post-hair transplant recommended by your surgeon. You will need to avoid other hair care products for a while. If you need additional products like nourishing serum, foam, vitamins, it is useful to consult your hair transplant clinic. 

How to shampoo after hair transplant?


There are some tricky points to consider when shampooing your hair after a transplant. Our surgeon has listed the points you need to be aware of below:


  • Until the 2nd wash, be careful not to scratch the newly transplanted hair, avoid frequent contact, sleeping positions, etc. 
  • Do not use hot or cold water. Keep it lukewarm.
  • Avoid chemical shampoos (even baby shampoos), especially for the first few washes.
  • Be gentle with your hair. Do not rub excessively or apply pressure to the scalp.
  • Wash until the product is completely removed from your hair, but try to keep the wash time short. 
  • Do not use heat when drying your hair. You can use a soft cloth to dry your hair without rubbing. 
  • If you want to use products like foam or conditioner, choose a ‘post-transplant hair care kit’.

When can I use normal shampoo after a hair transplant?

The recovery process after hair transplantation varies. The healing can take up to 2 times longer in individuals with sensitive skin. 

While some people start using regular shampoo only after a week, this period may be longer for others. Usually professionals recommend a post-transplant care kit for the first 6-months.

These products, which are usually available for the first 3 or 6 months, may include such products: 

  • panthenol foam, 
  • anti-loss shampoo, 
  • ozonized oil, 
  • mesotherapy hair growth serum set, 
  • hair vitamin. 

They nourish the hair and help the skin to heal quickly. A hair transplant shampoo can also act as the best clean shampoo. It cleanses your hair from skin rashes like dandruff, flakes and scabs. 

Can I use anti dandruff shampoo after hair transplant?

Actually, an anti dandruff shampoo is not the best shampoo after hair transplant. A typical dandruff shampoo contains these and more:

  • pyrithione zinc, 
  • salicylic acid, 
  • citric acid, 
  • selenium sulfide, 
  • coal tar, 
  • cocamidopropyl betaine, 
  • fragrance, 
  • sodium chloride. 

These are very heavy for newly transplanted hair and scarred skin. This is the same for other types of dandruff shampoos like anti-oily dandruff, anti- dandruff and hair loss, and so on. You need to give your skin time to heal and the grafts time to get used to their new location. 

Can I use ketoconazole shampoo after hair transplant?

If you are at risk of infections such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, and scalp fungal infections; you can use it. This antifungal agent (ketoconazole) can reduce the risk of graft rejection by clearing up the infection. However, you should avoid it if you have open wounds, bacterial infections, or severe post-op conditions like inflammation and swelling.

FAQs about The Best Shampoo After Hair Transplant

It’s fine to use a conditioner designed for hair transplantation after care that isn’t loaded with harsh chemicals. 

You can actually wash your hair as usual, including touching it, except for the 4 weeks after you’ve had it done. It’s a good idea to go back to your usual hair products after 6 months. 

Some patients may prefer to use baby shampoo instead of haircare sets after a hair transplant. Just a heads-up: Even some baby shampoos out there might have other chemicals in them, so check the ingredients, please. 

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